Spaghetti with mushroom sauce


Necessary ingredients:
– Kosiljak Tenderloin smoked on beech wood
– Spaghetti
– Fresh mushrooms
– Neutral double cream
– Cheese
– Fresh parsley
– Onion
– White wine
– Olive oil
– Spices (nutmeg, garlic powder, salt and pepper)

Preparation of the sauce:
Cook the onion in olive oil until soft. Add the mushrooms and cook together with the onion. Spice with garlic powder, oregano, salt and pepper. Then add the finely chopped tenderloin, parsley and some white wine. After the wine has evaporated add the neutral double cream, a bit of shredded kashkaval and then spice it with a nutmeg. Stir until even. Pour the sauce over the previously boiled spaghetti. Your dinner is ready!

Bon Appetit!

Zucchini cakes

Necessary ingredients:
– Kosiljak ham delicacy
– Zucchinis
– Mayonnaise
– Double cream
– Garlic powder

Peel the zucchinis, cut them in circular slices and bread them. After they have cooled a bit, put one line of zucchinis and add the filling made of mayonnaise, double cram and garlic powder. Add the finely shredded ham. Repeat the same procedure until you have used all ingredients. If you wish you can also add shredded kashkaval.


Bon Appetit!

Stuffed potato


Necessary ingredients:
– Kosiljak tenderloin smoked on beech wood
– Potato х2
– Kashkaval (shredded)
– Double cream
– Milk
– Carrot and Lettuce (for decoration)
– Spices (curry, garlic powder, chilli)

Wash the potatoes, stick them with a fork (so that they do not split), add olive oil and put them into a preheated oven (200 °C) and bake for 1 hour and 15 min. Slice the baked potatoes into half and take out the inner part with a spoon. Blend the inner part of the potato with the shredded kashkaval, double cream, milk and the tenderloin sliced into cubes. Season. Fill the potatoes with the mixture and put them in the oven for another 5 min. Decorate the potatoes with shredded carrot and finely chopped lettuce.


Bon Appetit!

Baguette with ham delicacy


Time for breakfast!

– Baguette
– Butter
– Kosiljak ham delicacy
– Kashkaval
– Lettuce
– Shredded carrot
– Broccoli
– Tomato

Stuffed mushrooms


Necessary ingredients:
– Kosiljak homemade bacon smoked on beech wood
– Fresh mushrooms
– Kashkaval
– Tomato
– Spices (curry, oregano, garlic powder and salt)

Wash the mushrooms and remove the handles. Stuff the main part with kashkaval cubes and finely chopped homemade bacon. Place the stuffed mushrooms into a pan with preheated olive oil. Salt, season with oregano, garlic powder and curry and cover them. It takes approximately 10 to 15 min. (depending on their size) for them to be cooked in their own juice and steam. We recommend them in a combination with tomato, chopped in tiny cubes, seasoned with oregano, olive oil and garlic powder and toasted bread.


Bon Appetit!

Stuffed dried prunes


Necessary ingredients:
– Smoked Hamburg bacon
– Seedless dried prunes
– Cheese

Stuff the dried prunes with cheese. Wrap them with bacon and stick each prune with a toothpick so that the bacon stays on. Place the prunes into a preheated oven and bake until the bacon is brown and crispy. Your dish is ready in just a few minutes. Ideally combined with wine, beer…


Bon Appetit!

Freshly baked baguette with tenderloin


It’s time for breakfast!

– Freshly baked baguette
– Mayonnaise
– Kashkaval
– Cucumber
– Tomato
– Kosiljak tenderloin smoked on beech wood